[01/12/2020, 5:54:55 AM] Mark Dickinson: Think.
Come up with original thoughts.
Then share then with the world.
In so doing you grow, and everyone else gets to benefit.
Start now!
[02/12/2020, 4:24:11 AM] Mark Dickinson: Gratitude is my number one all time favourite antidote to negative thoughts.
Simply by starting each day with a few moments of mindful gratitude, changes the entire flow of your life.
Wake up, walk, write your gratitude, and your life is going to transform... once you start, never quit!
It is the daily action that inspires your soul.
[03/12/2020, 5:50:02 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do you want to break through?
Do you want to transform?
Do you want to establish a new pattern in your life?
1. Decide what it is that you want
2. Define it clearly in words and terms that you can easily remember
3. Do one action that moves you in the right direction
4. Repeat it every day
I become what I think about!
[04/12/2020, 6:07:44 AM] Mark Dickinson: Hey... it's a new day!
Guess what?
This is your chance to do life over, but better than you have ever done before!
Give today 100%.
Put all your effort in.
Be awesome...
[04/12/2020, 7:47:30 AM] Mark Dickinson: 1. When one door closes and another door opens, you are probably in prison.
2. To me, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it.
3. Age 50 might be the new 30, but 9:00 pm is the new midnight.
4. It's the start of a brand new day, and I'm off like a herd of turtles.
5. The older I get, the earlier it gets late.
6. When I say, "The other day," I could be referring to any time between yesterday and 15 years ago.
7. I remember being able to get up without making sound effects.
8. I had my patience tested. I'm negative.
9. If you're sitting in public and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, "Did you bring the money?"
10. When you ask me what I am doing today, and I say "nothing," it does not mean I am free. It means I am doing nothing.
11. I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days, but whatever.
12. I hate when a couple argues in public, and I missed the beginning and don't know whose side I'm on.
13. I don't mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.
14. When I ask for directions, please don't use words like "east..
15. Don't bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head. That'll freak you right out.
[05/12/2020, 4:40:38 AM] Mark Dickinson: Whenever you are creating a change in your life you must expect resistance.
It will come first and foremost from within... you have to break through from your old code to a new one. The old code is neurological, chemical, physical and hormonal and is who you are. You need to teach your body to live a new life. The old has to die, and it is in the empty unfamiliar, uncomfortable place that you encounter where you will create a new way.
Strengthening comes through repetition and leads to mastery.
It takes time, but its worth it!
[06/12/2020, 4:15:18 AM] Mark Dickinson: Whatever you do today, give it 100%.
Be your best.
Do your best.
Hold nothing back.
Be the Master...
Create your Masterpiece!
[07/12/2020, 5:03:21 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do good things for others because it is a good thing to do.
Even if no one sees you do it!
Your act of goodness will not only help them, but it will inspire more goodness within.
Do good, get good!
[08/12/2020, 5:57:34 AM] Mark Dickinson: Consistent effort over time will produce results.
Not stopping.
Not giving up.
Doing it even though you may not feel like it...
This is what produces long term true results that will bring fulfillment.
Keep on going.
Believe you can...
You will!
[09/12/2020, 6:37:12 AM] Mark Dickinson: Celebrate every success!
Teach your body and mind that there are rewards for every achievement.
Decide what the celebration will be when you begin to work on a desired accomplishment and deliver to yourself when you get there...
You will love the outcome
[10/12/2020, 7:04:08 AM] Mark Dickinson: To create a masterpiece takes time.
You must first understand how to do what you do. And then through constant and never-ending improvement you finally reach mastery.
It takes time and consistent effort.
[11/12/2020, 9:54:08 AM] Mark Dickinson: Life is not about accumulation
It is about contribution
[12/12/2020, 4:10:14 AM] Mark Dickinson: Commitment takes guts.
If you want something badly enough you have to be courageous enough to give it all you've got.
Victory is for those who do not waiver and who stick at it against all odds.
Is that you?
If you truly believe, then you must keep on going, no matter what.
It will happen!
[13/12/2020, 4:27:40 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do one thing really well. Focus on it to the exclusion of everything else..
Be the expert by studying, and practicing until you reach mastery.
8000 hours and more is the zone of masters
[14/12/2020, 7:14:08 AM] Mark Dickinson: When things don't go as you had planned there is often a tendency to call it a mistake.
What if you called it a learning opportunity?
You would have an entirely different energy towards it and you would be free from negativity, able to learn and create a better way for the future.
What do you think?
[15/12/2020, 7:18:55 AM] Mark Dickinson: Love is precious. It is the greatest human emotion and lights up our lives.
Take the time to tell some one today, "I love you" and tell them why.
Have a love filled day!
[16/12/2020, 5:58:51 AM] Mark Dickinson: I am thankful for you!
Thank you for sharing your life with me and being a part of this incredible journey called life!
Today, reach out to those around you and thank them for being a part of your life.
Have an amazing, blessed day.
[17/12/2020, 5:37:55 AM] Mark Dickinson: The way you think shapes the way things become.
If its not the way you want it to be right now, create a clear vision of what it must look like by writing it down.
From that moment on start to live out what you wrote.
Patiently persevere and it will come to be.
[18/12/2020, 6:55:06 AM] Mark Dickinson: It is with great passion, determination and commitment that great things are done.
It is with profound gratitude we are able to maintain them
[19/12/2020, 7:18:30 AM] Mark Dickinson: Who are your mentors?
Who are you mentoring?
We are defined by the company that we keep.
Take the time to carefully choose people, not just one person, to be a part of your life... people who will cause you to grow.
Then take the time to meet them on a regular basis. Over time, you will begin to gradually adopt some of their ideas and qualities.
Choose well and grow
[20/12/2020, 7:24:41 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do you want to make the world a better place?
Take time to listen.
Listen until people have completely finished.
No interruptions. Subordinate your own thoughts and opinions and genuinely try to understand what is being said and why.
This will change the world!
[21/12/2020, 7:25:07 AM] Mark Dickinson: Have one meaningful goal. Concentrate all your efforts on it.
Write it down as though it is already done.
Re-write it every single day.
Work towards the goal every day, taking one action each day that will move you to your goal.
Never miss writing it. Never let a day pass without an action taken and the goal will be done.
Then, write a new one.
This is called focus.
[22/12/2020, 7:19:45 AM] Mark Dickinson: What are your established rituals?
Begin every day by writing down 3 things you are thankful for. Keep on doing it every day, forever.
You will be amazed at the outcome as gratitude shifts your whole life.
Start this morning!
[23/12/2020, 6:48:47 AM] Mark Dickinson: G.I.G.O.
A primary immutable law.
Garbage In - Garbage Out
Gratitude In - Gratitude Out
Whatever you fill up your mind with, is what you have inside. Fill it up with gratitude and you will see everything in life from a different perspective.
I encourage you to write down 3 things you are grateful for every morning.
Take a moment to do it now!
Have an amazing day!
[24/12/2020, 6:44:48 AM] Mark Dickinson: It's Christmas!
I wish that the love of Jesus will touch all hearts everywhere and that we may focus on all that is good and be grateful for the blessings in our lives.
I wish you and your family and loved ones a wonderful happy Christmas. ❤️
[25/12/2020, 8:59:38 AM] Mark Dickinson: Merry Christmas everyone!
[26/12/2020, 7:52:29 AM] Mark Dickinson: Planning time is here!
Over the next few days we are going to prepare for 2021.
First thing - no new year resolutions-they are a total waste of time.
Step 1 - Reflect
What did you learn in 2020?
Write down 3 key things that you personally learned that made you a better person.
Write down 3 things you did that you do not want to repeat.
Take time to reflect... no decisions required... just think.
[27/12/2020, 6:37:35 AM] Mark Dickinson: Step 2.
Create a list of all the things that you have always wanted to accomplish. It can be as big or as small as you like. It could be your bucket list...
Keep on writing until you can't think of anything else...
[28/12/2020, 8:33:59 AM] Mark Dickinson: Step 3.
The long game. Think forward 25 years from now.
Where will you be?
What will you be doing?
Make a grid and pencil in all the things that you want to see happen in those 25 years.
This will take some time. Its very worthwhile!
[29/12/2020, 8:21:57 AM] Mark Dickinson: Step 4
Create your own quote/mantra/saying.
Some families have a crest, or a motto, a certain code by which they live. This was an outcome of thinking about what they 'stand' for.
Today, take some time to create one for you.
Please share!
[30/12/2020, 9:22:35 AM] Mark Dickinson: Step 5.
Doing good for others is a great way of doing good to ourselves. They say, What goes around comes around.
As we enter 2021 make a conscious plan for yourself for how you are going to do good for others...
Perhaps a donation
Maybe volunteer
A secret gift
If you plan, rather than leave it to your mood, you will have a far greater impact on many people's lives. Make the plan today!
[31/12/2020, 6:35:43 AM] Mark Dickinson: Step 6.
No Matter What!
When I started out creating a daily message it was just for fun and my message went out to five or six people.
Over fifteen months later, I am amazed to share that this message frequently reaches 1000 people a day.
There have been many days throughout this whole time where I wondered what to share, sometimes it takes me a lot of time to figure it out. Sometimes people leave the group and I feel discouraged. The one thing that keeps me going is this...
No Matter What!
It is a firm decision that I have chosen to abide by because of the positive feedback I get from many of you.
Today, I want you to anchor yourself to a commitment that you will keep, No Matter What.
I hope that you will make it your daily gratitude... writing down at least three things that you are thankful for each day, and letting the magic of gratitude permeate your life.
Have a fantastic New Year's Eve and looking forward to an amazing 2021!