[01/01/2021, 6:46:01 AM] Mark Dickinson: Happy New Year!
2021 is yours to create your masterpiece...
Take time to decide what you want, then go get it!
[02/01/2021, 9:31:02 AM] Mark Dickinson: 2nd January.
Party is over...
What do I do now?
Start with gratitude...
Create your masterpiece...
It only appears if you srart!
[03/01/2021, 6:51:03 AM] Mark Dickinson: For 2021 to be a great year depends solely on you.
It's not about the external, it's all about the internal.
How much effort will you apply to your own life to make it as amazing as you want it to be?
Make every effort!
Growth is outside your comfort zone. That means you are going to have to get uncomfortable to experience a greater you.
Is it worth it? YES!
Will YOU do it?
[04/01/2021, 6:52:08 AM] Mark Dickinson: If it were easy, it would have no value...
It's the consistency of effort that you make every single day towards a better version of you that makes it all worth while.
Then, one day it all seems to fit...
Stay focused.
Keep on going.
It is worth it!
[05/01/2021, 9:35:18 AM] Mark Dickinson: You only get this life once.
There are no rehearsals!
Give it your best shot... make it your masterpiece.
[06/01/2021, 7:49:50 AM] Mark Dickinson: To truly accomplish what you want takes dedication and perseverance.
Buulding small daily rituals is a great way to grow your ability to sustain this growth
Daily gratitude is the most important thing you can do
[07/01/2021, 7:21:01 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do you have a plan?
For the 25 years?
For 2021?
Suppose you do not have a plan... so where will you end up?
Nowhere most probably!
Now, what if you made a plan, a very exciting one, just for you?
Be unlimited and write the greatest plan ever, for you and your life.
This could be a life changing moment... if you do it!
Have fun
[08/01/2021, 8:36:18 AM] Mark Dickinson: Good one for you:
"When, if not now?"
"Who, if not you?"
Never stop persuing your dreams!
[09/01/2021, 8:04:56 AM] Mark Dickinson: My Plan.
Take out a blank piece of paper and draw a square.
Divide the square into 4 quadrants and label them:
1st knowledge
2nd health
3rd family & mentors
4th money
Now write a growth objective for each if the four areas.
This is your wealth square...
Do whatever you wrote.
[10/01/2021, 8:59:57 AM] Mark Dickinson: If love be the greatest and deepest of all emotions, express it.
Take the time to share your love with those whom you love.
Be practical - make a call, have a conversation...
Tell them this:
I love you!
As I do you.
Have an amazing day.
[11/01/2021, 9:36:34 AM] Mark Dickinson: Whenever you finish a great book, or reach the end of a movie there is always that sense of sadness that something is over, and yet at the same time there is the pleasure of the memories that you have from the experience.
Life is like that!
Make your life so amazing that the memories will always be the best part!
[12/01/2021, 4:13:39 AM] Mark Dickinson: Thinking Time.
Set aside ten minutes where you cannot be disturbed.
Set 2 timers, one for 5 min and one for 10 min.
Breathe deeply, concentrate all your focus on your breathing.
When the 5 min timer rings set your mind free to think...
Stop at the second timer and write down one thought.
You will love the experience.
[13/01/2021, 4:50:52 AM] Mark Dickinson: Be.
Don't just talk.
Actions clearly demonstrate your convictions.
Make every effort to link what you do to who you are. This is authenticity.
[14/01/2021, 6:39:06 AM] Mark Dickinson: Convert thoughts into actions.
[15/01/2021, 4:16:58 AM] Mark Dickinson: Consistency of action is of great value
You can learn new patterns that will become your way of living.
I was excited to wake up today at 04:58 without my alarm.
You can train yourself into great habits by taking consistent action towards your desired accomplishments
[16/01/2021, 5:21:45 AM] Mark Dickinson: Statistically today is the day that the majority of New Year's resolutions stop.
You can be different.
You can succeed.
Focus on 1 thing to the exclusion of all others. Do it today and keep on doing it every day.
The most amazing place to start is with daily gratitude. Write down 3 things you are grateful for, do it every day!
Never give up!
[17/01/2021, 5:44:04 AM] Mark Dickinson: Your greatness lies before you.
No matter where you are at, or what you are feeling, you are not the messaging and media.. your greatness lies within you and you can impact this world.
Look up.
[18/01/2021, 4:26:06 AM] Mark Dickinson: When you put God first in your life, great things happen.
Your soul, your inner self, will only be in harmony when you are aligned. Meditate on this and tell me what you see..
[19/01/2021, 4:04:24 AM] Mark Dickinson: Shine!
Be your most incredible, wonderful self. So often we hold back because of fear of what others will think or say.
Let your inner beauty shine as you share your uniqueness with others. Eventually your entire life will be summarized by a short paragraph so let every dream you have be fulfilled.
Bold and fearless step forward and be your greatest self!
Have a most exhilarating day as you explore being you!
[20/01/2021, 4:11:54 AM] Mark Dickinson: Concentrate on your stuff.
Determine not to get distracted by all the noise.
Rewrite your goals today and then figure out one action you can do today that will move you towards achieving it.
[21/01/2021, 6:14:30 AM] Mark Dickinson: Thoughts are like the morning mist... they only last for a moment.
Take time to write down your thoughts and share them with others.
[22/01/2021, 4:03:31 AM] Mark Dickinson: The age old formula is simple:
When I talk to folks I suggest that they write down their desires. Most often they tell me that they have it all in their head.
Clarity comes when we refine our focus, we must gi beyond just thinking and wishing.
Write it down. Then start taking actions consistent with what you want to see happen.
Be bold.
Be brave.
Be very courageous.
[23/01/2021, 4:00:29 AM] Mark Dickinson: 3 laws of transformation:
1. Sleep by 10/ wake up at 5
2. Always write a gratitude list
3. Pray/meditate for a minimum of 5 min each day.
Oh yeah, get a mentor
[24/01/2021, 5:45:25 AM] Mark Dickinson: Adversity faces us all.
Its whether you stick at your purpose or not that defines who you are.
Never quit!
[25/01/2021, 4:42:20 AM] Mark Dickinson: When you are in unison with your purpose, life becomes a joyful endeavor of fulfillment through being.
The important thing is to learn how to reveal your purpose to you... take time to think about what you love to do and do more if it than anything else
[26/01/2021, 4:06:21 AM] Mark Dickinson: The single most powerful agent in your life is your level of gratitude.
Each day set aside a few moments to write down things that you are thankful for and watch your life take off.
Keep a gratitude journal every day.
Never skip a day.
I am thankful for you!
[27/01/2021, 6:54:00 AM] Mark Dickinson: Pause ⏸️
Answer these 3 questions:
Who am I?
What do I want?
[28/01/2021, 4:02:47 AM] Mark Dickinson: Wisdom is of more value than gold.
It is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement.
How do I grow in wisdom?
[29/01/2021, 7:06:02 AM] Mark Dickinson: Consistency of effort is of great value.
It is the art of not giving up, the skill of focus.
Everyone can make bold claims about what they are going to do; those who apply consistent effort will eventually become those who do great things
[30/01/2021, 5:21:59 AM] Mark Dickinson: It is often said that growth lies outside your comfort zone.
Whilst that is true, we will benefit much from choosing areas of discomfort rather than waiting to be pushed into discomfort.
By choosing to take actions that we would normally not take encourages growth that will lead to greater maturity in wisdom and a pleasantness within an area that we seek to grow in. This is superior to just experiencing discomfort through changing circumstances that forces us to grow in a random area of our lives.
[31/01/2021, 6:46:59 AM] Mark Dickinson: Concentrate on what you want.
Work on it.
Stop doing things that distract you from your goal and intensify actions that accelerate your progress.
[31/01/2021, 6:26:08 PM] Alec Yävfriän: Your security code with Alec changed. Tap to learn more.