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Writer's pictureMark Dickinson

Mark's Motivation - Daily Thought - 01-11-2020 through 30-11-2020

Updated: Mar 14, 2022

[01/11/2020, 6:20:32 AM] Mark Dickinson: Take control.

There's always something that you really want, and it's often just outside of your reach. It stays in your mind and bugs you from time to time.

As long as you ignore it, subdue it and avoid it, nothing will happen.

Accept it

Define what must happen


Everything will change.

You are in control

[02/11/2020, 6:39:57 AM]


Start with a walk.

Write your gratitude list.

Write your I AM statements.

Decide on what must be done today.

Do a short work out.

Now you are ready!

[03/11/2020, 6:14:28 AM]

Feel like quitting?

What do you do?

1. Acknowledge that this feeling is real.

2. It's a normal feeling - everyone "feels" like quitting at some time or another

3. It's ONLY a feeling, it will pass

What should I do when I feel like quitting?

1. Business as usual. I do what I must do to get the result I must have.

2. Repeat out loud: I get what I must have

3. Glory and Victory is for those who never quit!

Grit your teeth and do it anyway!

[04/11/2020, 6:55:36 AM] Mark Dickinson: Expect to feel uncomfortable!

All growth must happen outside of what you already know.

If life is getting a little dull and predictable, then shake it up. Go learn something new, and enjoy that feeling of discomfort as you grow into a new space!

[05/11/2020, 6:14:40 AM] Mark Dickinson: Have you ever tried to change, only to meet with resistance?

That's the way life is.. the old way is going to cling on. Habits die hard.

Make small commitments to yourself and stick to them 'no matter what - and good is coming to you

It takes timr!

[06/11/2020, 7:06:38 AM] Mark Dickinson: How long does it take to form a new habit?

1 single moment!

When your belief is "I can" your potential is unlimited, then you take action knowing that results will begin to appear, and providing that you keep in mind that all results are purely an indicator of progress, then you will never give up.

The key is in understanding that any result is purely an indicator of the consequences of your actions and that all results help to strengthen your belief causing you to continually try different ways.

Belivers never quit!

[07/11/2020, 6:24:30 AM] Mark Dickinson: Remember to restl

Keep your rituals on your rest day... but have a well earned break... recharge, do something different and above all... smile!

[08/11/2020, 8:05:06 AM] Mark Dickinson: Has anyone ever told you that it's easy and if you just click on a link you will find all the answers?

That is complete rubbish!

Consistent effort towards your desired accomplishments far outweigh some cheap shortcut.

The challenges and trials along the way are your badge of honour and add to your story.. stick at it and never give up.

Keep going until you get there, or replace what you were first going after with something better!

[09/11/2020, 6:48:33 AM] Mark Dickinson: Gratitude makes all the difference.

Thinking about what you are thankful for changes your brain in a positive way

Writing down what you are thankful for engraves it into your character and produces powerful results.

Consistently being thankful elevates you to a new level of life where even in challenging times you can see the good and be grateful.

Start each day by writing down 3 things that you are thankful for and do it for the rest of your life

[10/11/2020, 6:55:24 AM] Mark Dickinson: 1 simple thing:

If there is just one thing I can share with you that will make all the difference in your life it is this:

A. Get a pen

B. Write down 3 things you are thankful for

C. Do it every single day

You will be transformed!

[11/11/2020, 7:08:27 AM] Mark Dickinson: Dont just read...

put it into action

Otherwise its just words on a page... totally useless!

Do it and grow!

[12/11/2020, 7:59:40 AM] Mark Dickinson: Walk with the wise, become wise.

Purposely spend time with people that inspire you and that challenge you to become a better version of yourself.

[13/11/2020, 7:07:45 AM] Mark Dickinson: Stop!

Have you put into practice the thought you had? Or did you dash on, thinking that you will get it done soon?





[14/11/2020, 4:52:27 AM] Mark Dickinson: Love life.

Embrace what it brings.

Enjoy the highs, learn from the lows.

Results are neither good or bad. They are just results. Indicators of the outcome of what we have done.

Learn to read them and learn from them and life becomes a constant delight

[15/11/2020, 4:05:22 AM] Mark Dickinson: While the world sleeps we rise to dream!

In the stillness of the morning we have the clarity of mind to discover our true selves, free from noise and distractions.

Arise at five and live!

[16/11/2020, 4:05:24 AM] Mark Dickinson: This is my Day!

I will live my dreams.

I will live out my inspired dreams and I shall overcome all obstacles.

My life is special and precious. It only comes to me once.

My power is unlimited.

My passion burns as an unquenchable fire.

My greatness lies before me.

I can

I will


[17/11/2020, 5:19:47 AM] Mark Dickinson: I am strong.

I am thankful.

I am blessed.

I am ready!

Today is the greatest day of my life. I get to make a difference by being me.

I master my thoughts and fill up with gratitude.

I am unstoppable!

[18/11/2020, 4:25:09 AM] Mark Dickinson: Change takes a past state and improves upon it.

Transformation moves me from a present state to an entirely new one.

I am unlimited in what I can become...

My greatness lies before me... dream it. Then do it!

[19/11/2020, 5:06:42 AM] Mark Dickinson: What do you get if you plant a mango seed?

A mango tree.

Provided you do the work of watering and caring, and you are patient, eventually you will get mangoes.

Its the same in our hearts and minds. Whatever you plant and care for is what will grow.

By the same token, i am today the product of my thoughts... so if you like where you are at, keep on going. If you don't, then plant new seeds.

[20/11/2020, 4:07:42 AM] Mark Dickinson: What have you done that makes difference to someone's life?

Reach out and do a random act of kindness today!

Be the difference.

[20/11/2020, 3:36:01 PM] ‪+971 56 991 9018‬: ‎‎Your security code with ‪+971 56 991 9018‬ changed. ‎Tap to learn more.

[21/11/2020, 4:11:05 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do good - Get good.

Whatever you are looking to receive from a relationship is what you need to invest into that relationship.

Give love - Get love

It's a very simple formula. When you start giving you will eventually experience the same. It takes time and consistent effort. Kind of like growing a tree.

[22/11/2020, 6:12:20 AM] Mark Dickinson: Listening is a sacred art that few have mastered.

It starts with a low ego and a genuine concern and interest in what others have to say.

Enjoy letting others speak... after all, you already know what you think anyways.. so maybe no need to say it?

[23/11/2020, 5:22:05 AM] Mark Dickinson: Set your heart on greater things.

Be kind to everyone you meet.

Reach out your hand and help wherever you can

Live a life where you add massive value!

I wish you a blessed day

[24/11/2020, 4:37:35 AM] Mark Dickinson: Be bold.

Be brave.

Have the courage to do great things.

When you start to feel uncomfortable, you are on the right path! Learning has begun.

From learning comes growth.

Growth builds confidence.

Confidence brings success!

[25/11/2020, 6:30:00 AM] Mark Dickinson: Friends are amazing!

Just wanna shout out a big thanks to all my friends all over the world.

Thanks for being a part of my journey!

You are all awesome!

[26/11/2020, 4:18:35 AM] Mark Dickinson: It's only worth something if it cost you enough to feel that you had to sacrifice to get it.

[27/11/2020, 7:07:14 AM] Mark Dickinson: Do you want to make a difference in this world?

Smile and say thank you to everyone who serves you.

Take the time to do it today!

[28/11/2020, 4:21:22 AM] Mark Dickinson: Sit in silence and enjoy your thoughts.

Take time to be alone, switch off your phone and listen to your mind. Make notes using a pencil and paper.

Enjoy the space that you create and reflect.

[29/11/2020, 6:05:59 AM] Mark Dickinson: You are the most important person in the world.

You must remember that.

Take care of yourself and meet your own needs so that you are at your best, then you can give to others from the goodness in you.

[30/11/2020, 6:57:28 AM] Mark Dickinson: I have become what I thought about.

I am the product of my decisions.

If where you are is where you want to be, express your gratitude, if it's not where you want to be then take the time to write down where you want to be and start doing what it takes to get there.

Soon enough you will become what you think about!

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