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  • Writer's pictureMark Dickinson

Mark's Motivation - Daily Thought - 01-06-2020 through 30-06-2020

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

[06:26, 01/06/2020]

Excellence is the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.

Give yourself a rating on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being brilliant and 1 being miserable.

Where are you at?

[05:02, 02/06/2020]

What do you do after you have delivered a major project?


Enjoy the moment?

Review what you did to examine how you could do it better and see where you can improve?

Get feedback from people who are going to be truthful?

This is the path to excellence!

[04:49, 03/06/2020]

How has this past month been for you?

We have faced unprecedented challenges, pressed in on all sides. But what about you? How have you grown?

When this phase comes to a close it is my express desire that you will look back and say, "I made every effort to excel. To be the best version of me"

Today, I encourage you, take a brave decision: This will be my greatest day! I will make a difference. And do so.

[05:38, 04/06/2020]

Good morning everyone.


Sometimes the days seem dark, the challenges are too many and we cannot see how to get through.

Hold on to your dream. Never stop believing.

No matter what comes against you, no matter how tough, no matter if you are the only one who still believes.


As you smile, you will know, deep down, I CAN!

Sending out love and smiles to all of you for an amazing day, and the deepest respect to all the dreamers who hang on to their dreams.

Morning always follows night!

Mark ❤️

[07:00, 05/06/2020]

How many times have you started something and not finished it?

A book? A project? An idea? A business?

There is a very special feeling reserved for those who complete what they start. During this challenging period I have rediscovered the power of completing what I started. I made a list of things that I had always wanted to complete, and now many of them stand completed.

It's an incredible sensation. It's Done!

Try it... make a list of things that are incomplete and begin...

What's on your list?

[05:10, 06/06/2020]

Did you create your list?

The list of things you want to finish?

There will be some simple things on your list that will only take a small amount of time to do. Pick one and make it a goal that you will complete it today, no matter what! As you complete your day you will enjoy a special feeling of having completed it.

You will sleep with a smile on your face.

Try it!

[06:18, 07/06/2020]

The temptation to quit is the easy way out.

To complete something takes dedication to learning, a huge portion of self-control and double servings of perseverance.

When you feel like quitting, or even just postponing, hold yourself accountable to the outcome. Set a high standard and fight through the emotions. Emotions will deceive you!

Perseverance will reward you. Keep on going!

[05:38, 08/06/2020]

The journey from our desire to completion is never a straight line!

[06:12, 09/06/2020]

Pause and reflect!

Sometimes in the forward rush to get things done we fail to enjoy what we have already achieved.

By pausing and reflecting you become aware of how far you have come...

Celebrate your progress, then dive back in...

[06:23, 10/06/2020]

Have you ever started a project that you haven't completed?

Have you ever started working on a dream, but it did not come true?

And then you gave up because you no longer believed?

I encourage you to start again.

For in starting again you will be able to finish what you began

And then you will know the joy of completing what you started...

You don't know how close you could have been, maybe you were almost there

If you quit, you will never know!

So go after it!


[05:29, 11/06/2020]


For a week we have been talking about finishing what you started.

Today, write down one thing that you will get done today, no matter what...

Its a brilliant exercise in self discipline. Tell me how it goes!

Have a great and successful day ❤️

[07:24, 12/06/2020]

Why are you doing what you do?

What is the purpose?

What are you trying to achieve?

What is the eventual outcome of your efforts?

I would love to hear from you... Please share! Thank you

[05:10, 13/06/2020]

Our purpose defines us.

As we think, so we will act.

What is amazing is that we can continually upgrade our purpose, trading the old for something better!

Take a moment to jot down your purpose

[06:11, 14/06/2020]

What rituals have you created in your life?

A ritual is a habit or behaviour that will help you to stay true to your purpose...

By setting a ritual in place you will begin to make daily progress towards your desired outcome

[07:04, 15/06/2020]

Are you following your passion or doing a job?

Would you quit everything you are doing if you could live from your passion?

If the answer is "yes" then take a time out to really consider what you are going to do next!

[08:22, 16/06/2020]

Remember to celebrate!

Each step forward is a testimony to your determination to focus on and attain your desired accomplishments.

Have an amazing day! ❤️

[05:41, 17/06/2020]

Today is a brand new day!

You get to make of it whatever you want.

If you follow your patterns today will give you exactly what yesterday gave you


Isn't life worth more than a repetition of yesterday?

Do something amazing... How? Think!

Challenge yourself.

Decide: Today I will make a difference and your mind will begin the journey

I would love to hear what you do... please share!

[05:12, 18/06/2020]

When is the time to give up?

When do you decide its just not worth it?

When should you quit?


Refocus, reorganize and keep on going!

You will never know how close you were if you give up.

Victory is waiting

[07:27, 19/06/2020]

Practice makes mastery.

Doing something once and expecting to be instantly good at it is ridiculous. Our ego will show us others doing it and make us believe that magically we will somehow be brilliant from the first effort.

Life does not work like that.

Constant practice and improvement will create mastery.

Never give up... try other ways!

[05:14, 20/06/2020]

Wishing you could is subordinate to trying.

Mastery comes first from trying, then persisting and finally from refining.

Those who never begin will never know the joy of mastery.

Start now!

[04:36, 21/06/2020]

To become a Master is not the objective at the start.

Mastery is the product of heightened awareness of a growing ability after many years of practice. There are a very tiny number of natural prodigies throughout history. The rest acquire massive amounts of experience over a long period that allows them to perform in what appears to be an effortless manner, which is in fact, their mastery.

The path?







[04:57, 22/06/2020]

Watching a master at work is a privilege. Their every move is graceful, calculated, efficient and simple.

Mastery is attained through a relentless dedication to improvement.

It is not done to please others, it is driven from within.

Above all, it takes time, like compound interest.

You must start something if one day you desire to attain mastery.

[05:29, 23/06/2020]

What have you mastered?

Are you even aware of your mastery?

What did it take for you to get where you are?

By thinking about your mastery you can begin to understand what it took to become what you are, then you will have the key to mastery and can apply it to other aspects of your life and help others too

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

A big shout out to all of you who frequently share on my private messages... it is so encouraging - thank you so much!

[07:39, 24/06/2020]


Consistency and persistence are the first 2 keys of mastery.

The next 2 are time and improvement.

Excellence, learning and mentoring are the last 3.

Want to add? Please share!

[05:08, 25/06/2020]

An object at rest stays at rest, an object in motion keeps moving.

Newton's first law of motion.

If you start its a whole lot easier to keep going!

Start now!

[08:03, 26/06/2020]

Yesterday I asked this question from several of my friends:

If I were to speak to a group of people what would you expect me to talk about?

The answers were fascinating. I learned a lot, discovering who I am to others.

Ask some of your friends and see what they say...

I got more than 20 new topics from all of you to talk about and I will be bringing you the answers through my daily motivation, or my blog or a podcast.

Thank you everyone and please anyone who did not share, send me a dm with your thoughts!


[04:51, 27/06/2020]

Yes, I can.

7 months ago i was speaking in a seminar sharing my I AM's with the participants.

Three of my I AM's were:

I am healthy, i am slim, i am fit

One of the participants laughed at me, but you are not slim, she said.

I explained that we become what we think about.

I have stayed focused on these goals since then.

Today I AM!

I did it and I did it because I CAN.. and so can you!

[04:18, 28/06/2020]

What will you do today that will make you feel proud?

Enjoy the song and go out there and make a difference!

[05:47, 29/06/2020]

Are you a compulsive achiever?

Is your sense of worth attained through doing?

Stop and rest.

Sit back and reflect.

You are valuable because of who you are and then because of what you can do. Take time to enjoy being, not doing!

[05:46, 30/06/2020]

How are you making a difference in this world?

When you reach out and touch the life of someone else you improve the whole of humanity

Today, take a moment to give to someone who is in need... a kind word can make all the difference

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