[10:37, 01/01/2020]
Happy New Year! It's here... 2020. Start today! Whatever you desire will appear as long as you start today. I wish you a blessed year. The greatest year of your life! Sending you love and happiness! Your friend, Mark
[07:58, 02/01/2020]
Good morning Holidays refresh us, and I am thankful for the break. Now it is time to focus. Keep your desired accomplishments in mind. Today, do one thing to move forward. First write down what you are going to do... then do it. Just one thing. One step each day will give you massive results in the long term. Good luck
[08:50, 03/01/2020]
Jan 3 You really want to break through? Or was it just a nice idea? You have to do the work! There is no magic wand. It is simple, but not easy. Today, do one action towards your desired accomplishments. [08:28, 04/01/2020]
I wish you all a wonderful day, full of love and happiness. Surprise someone with a random act of love [09:25, 05/01/2020]
If it's worth having, then you have to work for it. Drive forward. Be unreasonable in your expectations. Take massive action to get outstanding results. Today, take massive action to move towards your desired accomplishments.
[06:31, 06/01/2020]
First find love inside yourself. When you find it, share it with the world! [05:40, 07/01/2020]
Marvel at the beauty of the sunrise. Write down all the things you are grateful for... smile! 😁 and enjoy your day!
[05:55, 07/01/2020]
[05:19, 08/01/2020]
It is essential that you focus on your desired accomplishments. Review them. Rewrite them. Concentrate on goodness and your capacity to influence the world for good. [10:22, 08/01/2020]
[06:20, 09/01/2020]
No matter what... NEVER GIVE UP! The power of success comes to those who NEVER quit. Quitting is easy. Just hit snooze... NO! You fight every single day. Results WILL come. Stay focused. Be grateful. Do what's right and don't wait for the results... work for them. [05:56, 10/01/2020]
Good morning Little by little great things are created. Daily, continuous effort and unwavering commitment will produce amazing results. Stay focused!
[03:50, 11/01/2020] Mark Dickinson: Good morrning 5am'ers... Rise and shine! Make someone happy today! [15:14, 11/01/2020]
[03:49, 12/01/2020]
Good morning It's a new day. You can make this world a better place by being your best self. Please do a random act of kindness today.
[03:35, 13/01/2020]
Good morning Anything worth having is going to cost something. Nothing of great value comes for free. The joy of dreams fulfilled is short lived and begs the question, "now what?" Is it to go after bigger dreams? Perhaps it is to know that you have mastered being 'you' and that you may now have or be or do whatever it is that you desire. Have a wonderful day and go after your hearts desires. Remember to do a random act of kindness
[05:17, 14/01/2020]
Find time to do the 3 r's REFRESH REVIEW REFOCUS take care of your self so that you can take care of others. Refresh... rest well. Review... check that your goals are still valid Refocus... eliminate noise and concentrate on what you want. I become what I think about!
[05:00, 15/01/2020]
Never give up!
Today is the day when 80% of New Year resolutions are broken. Yep!
Jan 15 is the day when people quit.
Even if you didn't quite make it yet... try again
[05:41, 16/01/2020]
The ability to do great things is born from taking consistent small steps every day. Stay committed to your daily goals and you will do great things
[03:39, 17/01/2020]
It takes courage to do what is right Be courageous!
[06:33, 18/01/2020]
A goal is only achieved when it is reached. Until that day, keep on going... You may have to adjust your timeline, that's ok; as long as you are still working on it, you will get there. Keep on going!
[03:41, 19/01/2020]
Good morning 5am'ers. You are unbeatable! Give 100% of your attention to what you want and it will appear [03:44, 20/01/2020]
Gratitude is a decision. Take out a sheet of paper and write down your gratitude list. Get detailed and specific. It's good to do this every day. [06:16, 21/01/2020]
Do not simply get up and start your day without deciding what you want to see happen. Each day write down: Today I will..... Write down something that is going to cause you to stretch beyond your comfort zone... for it is there that your greatest growth lies!
[05:08, 22/01/2020]
Here it comes...
[05:11, 22/01/2020]
The sun is up... it's a new day. You are blessed to have the opportunity to do it all again. Make this day the greatest ever!
[05:47, 23/01/2020]
Be the best version of you.
[06:35, 24/01/2020]
Whatever you want to see in your relationships is exactly what you need to put in to your relationships. Give love... get love! [08:55, 24/01/2020]
[08:10, 25/01/2020]
Smile. Say, "I am a genius" Have an amazing day ❤ [09:15, 26/01/2020]
Good morning friends. I am proud of you for making it all this way.
[09:16, 26/01/2020]
Visual reminders to go for greatness are powerful ways to grow.
[06:38, 27/01/2020]
Comfort zones are comfortable.
Your greatness lies outside your comfort zone.
[04:26, 28/01/2020]
Good morning! So its Jan 28. Already! How are you doing on your 2020 goals and dreams? Are you still focused? Did you give up? Did something important come up that stole your dream? Maybe things did not go the way you expected... Maybe someone let you down SO WHAT!!!! Today is your day. Get up. Get back at it. Make your desired achievements become your reality because you persevere. Dreams ONLY come true when you stick at them. YOU CAN DO IT! Have an amazing day
[06:56, 29/01/2020]
Great deeds demand great efforts [03:36, 30/01/2020]
Good morning Have the courage to take a big decision right now. You know what you want, the only thing stopping you is you. So get out of your own way... say YES! I CAN. Then do it!
[03:57, 31/01/2020]
It will never work unless you stop talking and start doing. Be obsessed Be the best at what you do. Do it superbly well.
