June 2023
[6/1/2023, 08:29] Mark: Read,
[6/2/2023, 08:59] Mark: Aspiration creates elevation
[6/3/2023, 20:47] Mark: Success is different for everyone.
Focus on yours.
[6/4/2023, 11:34] Mark: Hey....
Go and look in the mirror.
See that person?
You are amazing!
[6/5/2023, 08:28] Mark: Power is in your mind.
What you believe shapes your life.
Concentrate on building valuable beliefs.
[6/6/2023, 10:25] Mark: Virtually everything is possible with the right amount of motivation
[6/7/2023, 09:48] Mark: Great actions require great courage.
[6/8/2023, 10:20] Mark: Everything in life is a lesson...
Study well,
Learn the lessons,
Enjoy the journey.
[6/9/2023, 08:38] Mark: To think then actÂ
is far better than to react and regret.
[6/10/2023, 15:55] Mark: Cliches limit you...
Just live with the courage of your own convictions
[6/11/2023, 12:52] Mark: Writing your goals every day focuses your mind and creates the path to receiving what you most desire.
I become what I think about.
[6/12/2023, 10:40] Mark: I make the difference.
[6/13/2023, 19:49] Mark: The power to attain your dreams lies within your commitment to persevere to the end!
[6/14/2023, 06:47] Mark: Creating life dreams that you are passionate about and then writing them down daily produces the focus to see them become your reality
[6/15/2023, 08:21] Mark: Put your heart into everything you do...Â
Or don't do it!
[6/16/2023, 12:10] Mark: True treasure is found in deep relationships.
[6/17/2023, 10:01] Mark: Pause.
Go... Full power!
[6/18/2023, 12:43] Mark: In our minds is the beginnings of all our outcomes...
Think well.
[6/19/2023, 15:58] Mark: Once we believe, everything else flows.
[6/20/2023, 20:23] Mark: Do you want to become invaluable?
Do what you said you would do when you said you would do it.
Massive value!
[6/21/2023, 12:28] Mark: You are so much stronger than your excuses!
[6/22/2023, 12:39] Mark: Believe in your own success...Â
It's your duty!
[6/23/2023, 08:41] Mark: Thinking improves action...
[6/24/2023, 11:22] Mark: Focus on you.
On your goals.
Attain them.
Then help others!
[6/25/2023, 11:09] Mark: Remember:
You are unique.
There is no one like you.
Enjoy being you
[6/26/2023, 15:19] Mark: Your greatest gift is to help others to unlock their full potential!
[6/27/2023, 14:55] Mark: Disappointment is a great teacher if you are willing to listen
[6/28/2023, 11:15] Mark: Big decisions are the moment where all the small daily decisions are revealed....
[6/29/2023, 16:01] Mark: Perseverance means every day!
[6/30/2023, 11:31] Mark: Concentrate on what's important to you.