Oct 2022
[10/1/2022, 16:13] Mark: Talking through your new ideas with someone you know will listen strengthens your idea 💡 and help you to consolidate your message into a more powerful one.
[10/3/2022, 07:44] Mark: Listening is a beautiful way to show you love someone
[10/4/2022, 16:50] Mark: WISDOM - 44 THOUGHTS
This book is a summary of my daily learning about wisdom. It will never be finished, so this is called Edition 7, for it is my seventh year following this path.
The sharings are not necessarily true for you, they are what I am discovering right now and perhaps I shall add more pages, and perhaps I shall remove some.
I pray that you would find the beauty in studying these 44 thoughts and growing towards wisdom in your journey.
Much love.
[10/4/2022, 16:52] Mark: here's the first thought!
[10/6/2022, 08:02] Mark: If you're gonna do it, go all out!
Give it everything you've got...
Be amazing at whatever you're doing. 😁
[10/7/2022, 12:05] Mark: New beginnings always feel a little strange.
It's uncomfortable to start something new...
especially when it comes to changing our habits and behaviors.
However, if you just stick at it for about a week, it will begin to feel like normal.
You have to persist to break through!
[10/7/2022, 16:00] Mark: shared to me... so shared to you!
[10/8/2022, 11:30] Mark: How can I be unique?
Help others. Especially those you don't know, who obviously need it.
[10/9/2022, 13:24] Mark: No matter where you are at,
You can become better, get better and do more.
Take a moment to write down (yes - actually write) on a post-it the one thing that you are going to improve in your life, starting today!
Now stick the post-it where you can see it often.
[10/10/2022, 19:44] Mark: Ideas become things...
Through hard work and consist effort.
Not quitting because it seems difficult is the key to success!
[10/12/2022, 12:21] Mark: Where one journey ends,
So another begins!
[10/13/2022, 15:32] Mark: Every moment that you spend thinking about your dream, is improving the likelihood of it becoming your reality.
[10/13/2022, 15:33] Mark: Make a mistake and regret it? This is a waste of a mistake
Make a mistake and relive it? This is self punishment
Make a mistake and learn from it? This is the path to wisdom and growth...
Keep making mistakes!
[10/13/2022, 15:33] Mark: Remember God!
[10/13/2022, 15:34] Mark: Think more than you speak.
[10/13/2022, 15:35] Mark: When it's all locked up inside...
Find a way to let it out.
When you let it out...
It will gush forward with a powerful and unstoppable force.
[10/13/2022, 15:35] Mark: Today is message day!
Send me one back!!!!
I want to hear your wisdom quotes...
I want to hear your "thought of the day"
Share your motivation and I will share it with this group!
[10/14/2022, 08:06] Mark: There are no limits... except the ones we create.
[10/15/2022, 19:06] Mark: Enjoy being you.
[10/16/2022, 10:21] Mark: Try something new...
Go somewhere youve never been before...
It's great for your brain 🧠
[10/17/2022, 05:19] Mark: Do you desire growth?
Then you must be ready to do the uncomfortable...
Step out, in faith... you got this!
[10/18/2022, 05:05] Mark: Ideas are born out of nothing.
Action makes them reality.
[10/19/2022, 05:05] Mark: Be clear about what you want.
Write it down.
Now go and get it!
[10/20/2022, 05:18] Mark: You must follow your passion.
It will demand everything from you, if it is truly your passion, you will find a way.
[10/21/2022, 05:06] Mark: Be good to others.
Some may misread your intentions...
It doesn't matter.
You are doing it because you are good!
[10/22/2022, 05:15] Mark: When you face challenges, no amount of advice will get you through.
It is your decisions,
It is your consistant efforts... not quitting,
It is your focus on your dream.
These will bring you through to the place you dream of .
Keep at it!
[10/23/2022, 10:00] Mark: What you put in dictates what you will get out.
Give it everything you've got and expect to see a good return!
[10/24/2022, 07:10] Mark: Concentrate on what's important to you.
Set aside everything else while you do so.
[10/25/2022, 06:50] Mark: Stay focused on your dream...
Write it down clearly...
When it happens celebrate!
[10/26/2022, 07:41] Mark: Face your fears head on.
I must overcome.
I am finding the way.
It's done
[10/27/2022, 06:47] Mark: How will you make a difference today?
As a person thinks, so they become...
[10/28/2022, 09:59] Mark: Love is everything.
Take care of those you love.
They are your treasure.
[10/29/2022, 10:21] Mark: How we feel about what we are doing will determine the outcome.
Learn to step back when your mood slides, take a break, refocus and return with renewed determination.
[10/30/2022, 08:39] Mark: You are your greatest self when you are authentic, loving and caring.
[10/31/2022, 08:43] Mark: Whatever you consider an absolute necessity will drive you towards excellence