Mark Dickinson

Jan 31, 20224 min

Mark's Motivation - Daily Thought - 01-1-2022 through 31-1-2022




Happy New Year!
Game on!

The hardest thing about change is everything you do and everyone you know... coz they are not in your plan... they expect you to continue being the you they know, and any change you make challenges them to make a change, and they will resist this change. Homeostasis!
This new you is going to have to fight off the old you to overcome.
You will fall, but NEVER give up. Get up and rethink.
You will never fail when you see every step as learning.
In fact, you can only fail if you quit.

Most people thought about having a great plan for 2022
But most people also got busy and didn't get around to doing it
Most people have probably forgotten that they had an idea to create a plan...
Here is your plan
1. Write gratitude every day - never miss
2. Move - walk/workout
3. Write I AM
4. Read every single day - start with at least 10 min
5. Give something/help someone - do it often

Don't let the common thought that, "It's too late to create a plan" prevent you from doing it.
Only a few go on to live their dreams
Break free from what others think and build the plan of a lifetime

It is not the merit in changing that we seek, but the transformation of ourselves to a higher understanding of life.

You are the victim of over 4000 daily messages from advertisers...
How can you have a clear mind against such competition?
Focus, know what you want, deflect distractions... weigh up all purchase decisions with the 24 hour rule... wait a day before committing to that purchase.
You will find peace in taking meditated decisions!

Nothing is ever as important as it seems in the moment.
Create a space and give it time and you will discover its true value

Life is a beautiful thing.
I don't mean in an abstract way, or even philosophically, but in a real and genuine way.
Each day we wake up is a marvellous thing.
Treasure your life
Enjoy each day
Don't get lost on unimportant small stuff.
Here's to life!

Enjoy this beautiful day as it is!
Be grateful
Be kind
Be generous

There is greatness within you.
The noise around you distracts you and prevents you from concentrating on your dream.
Make time for yourself each day to reaffirm your masterpiece and to work forward towards your greatest work ever
What you can produce is exciting; beyond words!

Wisdom is born of diligence.

Getting started counts far more than talking about it

Consistency of your message is your greatest asset!

Wisdom is knowing before an event...
Experience is learning from an event...
Friendship is sharing this with others

Nothing is either good or bad.
It is our thinking that makes it so.

Savour the moments with your friends and family.
Make them rich and memorable for they are fleeting.

Extraordinary results are the outcome of ordinary people committing to doing the 'extra' regardless of others' opinions

Everything you are is the unique and beautiful combination of everything you have said, thought and experienced.
Embrace every part of you to become the complete and most powerful version of you.
The sum of it all is you in all your greatness and humanity.

I wish for you to live your fulfilled life doing what you love.
Make sure you know what that is. Write it down clearly.
Then do whatever needs to be done to live it.

Every time you smile and say please or thank you, you reveal your true beauty.

Distractions are all around... crying for attention...
Delete games, notifications and have a blank home screen, keep your phone on silent.
Claim your time and your focus.
Use your phone, don't let it use you!

The outside may look good, but it's what's inside that really counts.

It is not about starting...
Anyone can start.
It's about perseverance...
Sticking at it, no matter what, until you finally achieve your dream!

Power starts from within

You must invest.
The most important place to invest is in yourself.
Invest in learning and personal growth, invest in your soul.
To become more, you must know more!

There are always more choices than what is immediately obvious.

Take time to be still.

How can you make a difference in someone's life today?
When we concentrate on doing good to others it has a funny way of coming back to us...
Do good, get good!

Random Act of Kindness Day...
Don't google it... I just made it up!
Actually, every day is.
Do a random act of kindness for someone who can never return the act to you!

It takes only a small decision to effect massive change...
Decide to do 1 thing each day that is good for you, abd do it everyday for the rest of your life...
The transformation is immeasurable.
The only way to experience it, is to do it!

It's great to be alive.
Start your day with gratitude!
Smile often.
Have an awesome day!
